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Moving Timber. Together.

Waldo connects & collects your data across the timber supply chain into one seamless platform, where precision meets simplicity, helping you carve out success.

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The Grain of Our Game

Dive into our finely crafted features that align perfectly with the rhythm of your business, helping you cut through complexity and carve out success with precision.

Digital Trip Tickets

Streamline your tracking with integrated trip tickets and scale slips, cutting out the clutter & chaos of paper trails. Embrace the digital age with clear, concise records that keep your operations running smoothly and efficiently.

Real Time Data

Ensure your team never loses track of a wood load with instant updates and live insights. Connect & collect every detail in the moment, so you can chop down delays and keep your operations running as smoothly as freshly cut timber.

Monitor Quotas

Keep tabs on your quotas from anywhere, anytime, with financial metrics. Collect & connect insights on the go, ensuring you're always a cut above the competition.

Job Management

Gain real-time visibility of all your jobs from anywhere, with seamless updates that keep you connected and in control. Connect & collect job details effortlessly, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

Connecting Contractors

Efficiently & securely link all your contractors, enabling seamless exchanges of job and load information. Connect & collect every detail privately, streamlining communication and boosting collaboration across your network.

Customizable Summaries

Tailor your summaries to fit your needs, available to all users whether your job runs on diesel or Wi-Fi. Customize reports and insights to match your operational requirements, ensuring every detail is captured and accessible, no matter how or where you work.

Success Stories from the Sawdust

Discover how our platform has transformed operations for industry professionals.

  • When I first found out about Waldo in 2021, I knew I needed it!! So I immediately began talking with Leo and the crew about what would help our business the most. Having worked in the timber industry for more than 15 years I saw a huge transformation in the was business was done, and how technology has improved the way we have done business. Waldo was the first company that I had found to make an app that allows for instant mill ticket entering done by only a smart phone. Waldo has allowed us to keep a very low overhead cost, which is extremely important in the current market conditions. The Waldo app is very user friendly and has saved me personally hundreds of hours in the office. We currently are using in exclusively for all our mill ticket tracking and couldn't be happier!


    Bryce Jauquet

    Jauquet Forest Products LLC

  • Waldo has been a major asset to my business by making the trucks more efficient. If a truck is driving by a job then can check the inventory on the app and grab a load. The time savings is great! We can be at the office and get information about a load that was delivered 5 minutes before. No more flipping through slips to find the right one.


    Dylan Rowlee

    Rowlee Farms Trucking

  • As a Billy big rigger of the north east, Waldo has kept our greasy fingers from smudging trip tickets, helping yards to comprehend our terrible scribbles. Waldo has continued to give truck drivers like myself something less to bitch about on a daily basis, what more would a trucker need!


    Tim Muzzey

    Savage Trucking